We couldn't be more pleased that you've taken the time to visit our band website!


Welcome to our official website of the Hamilton Police Pipe Band.  Our organization has been established since 1961, and we hope that you will enjoy reading about our recent developments, activities, and successes over the years.

The Band Executive and Music Leadership Team are pleased to inform you that we have established a new Developmental Teaching Program.  The musicality and innovation of this program is lead by our current Piper Major and Lead Drummer, and is supported by a strong nucleus of pipers and drummers within the organization.  Our band’s Executive and Music Leadership Team are very passionate about creating a fun and enjoyable environment that fosters learning experiences and musical growth for both our players and audiences. 

As an organization, we take pride in our band comradery, friendships, and great family atmosphere achieved over the years, encompassing both our young and established playing members.  We recognize the importance of future sustainability, and we encourage potential new players, wishing to learn to play bagpipes or drums, and become experienced and accomplished musicians within our pipe band environment. 

Teaching Program


It's my life's work to express those emotions and feelings that can only be conveyed through music. It's how my spirit takes wing and soars to unfathomable, seemingly unreachable heights. I hope that my music does the same for your spirit, too.


Welcome to Our Website!


We would like to thank everyone that contributed to our Amazingly successful "Rise Again" concert held at the Scottish Rite Hamilton and

Honorary mentions to our 25 years plus band members receiving a Meritorious Service Awards presented by Police Chief Frank Bergen to Don Forgan, Phil Farrauto, Randy Graham, John Macleod, Blair Robertson and Jennifer MacCullough

See our events page for more detail

Practices are every Tuesday 7:00 pm

Dundas Airforce Club

Having read about our organization, are you interested to become a band member? 

We would like to invite Youth ages 7- and up years of age that may wish to learn to play a band instrument and become a junior band member.  

Up Coming Events

see our Events Page

Updated June 7th / 2024 

  • Slow Air.mp30:38